John Doe
JoinedTopics Started by John Doe
Honda service call
by John Doe in.
this one's definitely worth a listen.
Singing out. . .
by John Doe inwere there any folks in your congregation that had really big voices, no pitch, and a tone-deaf ear?
we had a whole family of them.
i recall one night the wife was particularly off key--even going on past when the music stopped, getting off on the wrong line, etc.
Name the place.
by John Doe inok, pretty simple.
i took this picture a couple of days ago in a well-known city in my home state.
can any of you guess where it is?
Still religeous?
by John Doe ini'm curious how many here were witnesses.
for those that were, what are your current religeous affiliations?
i'm still evolving, but currently i consider myself to be a cross between an agnostic and a deist.
Man's best friend.
by John Doe ini'm sorry if i come across as being callous and hard folks, but i honestly believe we need to confront the uncomfortable if we are to prevent bad situations from happening.
to console ourselves is ok as long as we're looking objectively at our situation and striving for improvement.
care of animals is a major concern of mine, and in that light i thought i'd share with you one of my freshman essays.
What are your goals in life that don't involve the WTS?
by John Doe ini'm just curious.
i know this is a wts discussion forum, but by some posts, it seems as if the wts never leaves some heads.
also, a lot seems to be conspiracy theory.
Would you change your past if you could?
by John Doe ini used to live with many regrets, thinking that i'd screwed up.
recently, i've been thinking that regretting past actions is not constructive.
sure, we should base our current actions by assessing the results of our former actions, but regretting decisions we've made is, in effect, yearning to change the person we are now or rejecting ourselves.
by John Doe infirt of all, a bit of background.
i'm 26 years old, am a math major/english minor senior on a full scholarhip in college, was raised as one of jehovah's witnesses, babtized when i was 18, left at ~ 22/23, am now agnostic/deist/confused.
i was raised on a farm in a witness family.